
This post was written, as well as any other posts with the author "Verblio," by one of our 3,000+ U.S.-based writers who write for thousands of clients monthly, across 38 different industries. Only the top 4% of writers who apply with Verblio get accepted, so our standards for writers (and content) are high.

The new BlogMutt logo, proof that crowdsourcing works

By Verblio / May 1, 2011 / 0 Comments

We are proud to announce a new logo for BlogMutt. Here it is:

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A new kind of blog writing service needs a new kind of logo

By Verblio / April 26, 2011 / 0 Comments

We changed our name to reflect a bit better what it is we do, and then we came up with a logo. Here’s that original logo, one designed by the founders of BlogMutt, a CEO-type and a technical-co-founder type:

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One Rule of Small Business Blogging: Don’t Cheat!

By Verblio / April 19, 2011 / 0 Comments

Running a small or niche business is hard, really hard. All the responsibilities of the business fall to a small team, sometimes just you.

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BlogMutt: Three things that make this blog writing service different

By Verblio / April 13, 2011 / 0 Comments

OK, now that we have a name, you might want to know what we do, or what we will be doing when we emerge from our current closed beta test period. (“Closed beta” means that we are testing our new service only with those we invite in. To get an invitation, please enter your email…

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The Pain of Small Business Blogging

By Verblio / February 24, 2011 / 0 Comments

We feel your pain, we really do.

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Scott Yates and Wade Green

By Verblio / January 19, 2011 / 0 Comments

It’s impossible to know about a company without knowing something about the company the company keeps, so to speak.

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