IT & Data Security

WPA3—The New Standard Of WiFi Security

By Verblio / October 16, 2018 / Comments Off on WPA3—The New Standard Of WiFi Security

WPA2 has been the gold standard for WiFi for over a decade. Or perhaps we should say the “old” standard; it’s been around for fifteen years. While it hasn’t been broken, it has issues that need updating. It doesn’t have strong protections against brute-force password guessing. The KRACK vulnerability, discovered in 2017, has raised concerns….

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DNS Log Analysis for Network Security

By Verblio / January 26, 2018 / 0 Comments

DNS logging and analysis is a valuable tool for identifying malware activity. Unauthorized code that communicates with a Command and Control server leaves an identifiable footprint, even when it tries to disguise it. Some malware communicates with hard-coded IP addresses, but those addresses tend to get blocked as they’re discovered. For this reason, the use…

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IT Jobs & A Tale of Two Cities

By Verblio / April 17, 2016 / 0 Comments

In 2014, one in 12 jobs in Washington D.C. was in IT services. This seemed to surprise those inside the Beltway, who may see themselves as predominantly a paper-pushing sort of people with noses thrust deep into centuries-old books. This week’s report, “Roadmap for the Washington Region’s Economic Future: Seven Key Economic Clusters” found a 5 percent job…

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SaaS Answers Your IT S.O.S.

By Verblio / January 29, 2015 / 0 Comments

The great thing about automating business processes is that things become, uh, automated. But this obvious benefit becomes ironic when automation isn’t used to its full potential or becomes unwieldy. Through trial and (mostly) error, individual business computer work stations and mobile devices become isolated compartments of expertise, where sharing is stunted and corporate memory…

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How Software as a Service Can Help Your Business Grow

By Grace Hirt / January 5, 2015 / 0 Comments

If a business needs a resource about a particular SaaS topic they need to seek advice from someone who works in that industry, not just from any blog they find. Taking the time to answer basic questions and explain general concepts is the best way to generate leads and attract new customers. This sample blog…

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Google’s Not-So-Secret Data Center In San Francisco Bay

By Verblio / June 4, 2014 / 0 Comments

Since October 2013, speculation about the Google-owned barge floating in San Francisco Bay, off Treasure Island has taken on a life of its own. Is this barge Google’s not-so-secret floating data center? That is the most common question asked about this mysterious, four-story barge. According to CNBC News, the U.S. Coast Guard confirmed that Google…

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