Ryan Sargent

Ryan leads the content team at Verblio, where he combines his creative roots as a musician with large quantities of marketing nerdery. When he's not pondering Verblio's content strategy, you can find him playing jazz and funk trombone throughout Colorado.
a content brief

How Content Team Leaders Write Briefs

By Ryan Sargent / September 15, 2022 / Comments Off on How Content Team Leaders Write Briefs

When I was a kid my mom always said “If you put garbage in, you’ll get garbage out.” My mom was on to something.  She was referring to watching reality TV and eating junk food, but her wisdom also applies to content marketing. I may still watch reality TV, but I know if you put…

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Anatomy of A Content Refresh Feature Image

Anatomy of a Content Refresh

By Ryan Sargent / April 15, 2022 / Comments Off on Anatomy of a Content Refresh

Breaking down the purpose, strategy, and execution behind a content refresh Performing a content refresh is a critical pillar of any sound content strategy. It maximizes the return on the investment you already make in content creation by extending the performance and lifespan of your existing content and seizing opportunities that may have been missed…

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