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Understanding Common Brain Injury Symptoms

By a Verblio Writer

(940 words)

Whether as the result of a car crash, an accident at work, or in another type of mishap, a brain injury can be a painful experience, but no two brain injuries are exactly the same. While one person may recover fairly quickly from a brain injury, another person may suffer the effects of the injury for years or even for the rest of the person’s life. Yet all brain injuries should be taken seriously.

To really understand the extent of your injury, you must understand some of the common brain injury symptoms associated with different ailments.



Concussions can happen because of a fall at work, during a collision in sports, as a result of a car accident, or at other times. Whenever someone takes a direct hit to the head, a concussion could occur. While most people recover with rest and avoiding other activities that may cause greater damage, a severe concussion or multiple concussions could lead to more lasting damage to the brain.

There are a wide range of concussion symptoms, some of which may not even appear right away. They may include difficulty concentrating or remembering new information. The person may also have slurred speech. A loss of consciousness, even for a short time, is another sign. Nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and balance issues are also signs that the person might have suffered a concussion. Headaches, blurry or fuzzy vision, and sensitivity to light are other indicators that the person may have a concussion.

Two big symptoms of a concussion are changes in sleep habits and changes in mood or personality. When it comes to sleep habits, the person might feel tired sooner or have no energy. The person may also sleep more than usual, sleep less than normal, or have a harder time getting to sleep. Changes in mood or personality may include getting upset easily, feeling angry, feeling sad, being nervous, and overall just feeling more emotional. The person may also show less of an interest in their usual activities.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

A concussion is sometimes considered a mild TBI. A more severe TBI, though, can have more lasting effects. The most serious TBI complications include a coma, a vegetable state, and brain death. Blood vessel damage, which may lead to a stroke or blood clot, is another complication. The person may also have lasting cognitive problems, including a difficulty following conversations, difficulty speaking or writing, and a problem understanding speech or writing.

A few indicators that the brain injury might be a more serious TBI is loss of consciousness for several minutes or even hours, dilation of one or both eyes, a headache that gets worse, and clear liquid draining from the ears or nose.

Because signs sometimes do not appear right away, it is generally best to visit a doctor as soon as possible after a serious blow to the head. A doctor can perform tests to determine the extent of the injury.

Subdural Hematoma

Much like a concussion or TBI, a subdural hematoma generally results from a severe head injury. Those with bleeding problems, who take blood thinners are at greater risk of a subdural hematoma, even from a less severe head injury. With a subdural hematoma, blood collects in the layers of tissue around the brain. As the blood accumulates, it puts pressure on the brain. If untreated, it can lead to unconsciousness or death.

Symptoms of a subdural hematoma include headaches, confusion, and dizziness. The person may also experience nausea and vomiting, excessive drowsiness, and seizures. A change in the person’s behavior may also happen.

With a less serious subdural hematoma, the patient may just need to be watched, and head imaging tests may need to be performed to make sure the person’s condition is improving. In more severe cases, surgery may need to be performed to drain the blood or to reduce pressure on the brain.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

For many parents, one of the hardest parts of being a parent is worrying about their child’s safety. If you have a baby, Shaken Baby Syndrome might be a concern. Shaken Baby Syndrome is caused by violently shaking a baby or toddler, often out of anger or frustration. The baby’s brain then bleeds and bruises. Unfortunately, Shaken Baby Syndrome can lead to brain damage, blindness, hearing loss, a seizure disorder, and even death.

There are several signs that your child might have Shaken Baby Syndrome. They include excessive irritability, including uncontrolled crying or excessive fussiness. If your baby is lethargic, having difficulty staying awake, or has fallen into a coma, he may be suffering from Shaken Baby Syndrome. Seizures or paralysis are two other signs of a potential brain injury to your baby. If your child has become a poor eater or is vomiting, there may also be a serious brain problem. Difficulty breathing, pale or bluish skin, a bulging soft spot, and bloody eyes are other signs.

Even if your baby has been in the care of a trusted individual, if the child displays symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome, it is important to get the baby to a medical professional as soon as possible. Even if it does not turn out to be Shaken Baby Syndrome, there could be another serious health issue. Besides, it is better to err on the side of caution when it comes to your child’s health.

If you or a family member has suffered a brain injury caused by someone else’s actions, be sure to contact us. We will provide you with a free initial consultation, assisting you to understand your rights, and instruct on what steps you should take next.

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